The configuration can be setup at factory or by the user by soldering little connections. So the user should have some experience in soldering for changing the configuration.
Operation mode RS485 or RS422
Operation as 2-wire RS485 or as 4-wire RS422
Transmitter control DTR or RTS of RS232
Transmitter control permanent, high- or low-active
Receiver control permanent on or only when transmitter is off
Pinning DCE or DTE
DCE, direct connection to DTE (PC/Notebook)
DTE, direct connection to DCE (TxD and RxD exchanged)
The module consist of 2 termination resistors of 120 Ohm each. These resistors can be seperatly activated by external wires. One resistor is to be used for the receiver, the other for the transmitter. Only one of these resistors is to be used in RS485-applications.